
Powerflow Yoga - Yoga Classes

Weekend Workshops: Assist with Erin Barry or Fly with Jeffrey Posner

Two very different–and very fun–workshops are happening at PFY Bloomfield and Glen Rock this Sunday, January 11. You can learn to assist with Erin Barry or Fly with Jeffrey Posner. Your choice!

First, Erin Barry begins her 4-part series called The Art of Assisting in Bloomfield. This one is for yoga teachers, personal trainers and fitness pros to learn how to stabilize, align and deepen their students’ yoga poses. Erin has been teaching yoga for more than 10 years, and she’s known for her ability to get yogis into poses to enhance their yoga experiences. (I have seen Erin, a tiny woman, safely assist two very large men into handstands without the wall and at the same time.) If you want to gain confidence in front of your students, Erin is the expert you want to see. Get the details of the series below–you can attend one or all four, yogi’s choice.

Second, Jeffrey Posner (pictured left) will be flying high in his workshop called #Handstand: The Path of Hand Balancing in Glen Rock (and in Bloomfield the following weekend). Jeffrey, as you probably know, has mastered inversions. He has a talent for teaching inversions, too. He says his favorite part of leading this one is “seeing people have ah-ha moments and breakthroughs.” This will happen to you if you take this open-level class that offers beginners the gentle push and firm guidance they need to kick up. Advanced handstanders will learn crazy–and safe transitions–and lots of new tweaks. If you go, expect a fun flow and lots of explanation, demonstration and hopping right to it. He will be leading this workshop for two Sundays in a row, more details below.

The Art of Assisting Workshops: A 4-Part Series
with Erin Barry

When: Sunday, 1-11 from 1 to 3 pm (Standing Poses)
Sunday, 2-8 from 1 to 3 pm (Standing Twists and Balancing Poses)
Sunday, 3-8 from 1 to 3 pm (Backbends and Seated Forward Bends)
Sunday, 4-12 from 1 to 3 pm (Inversions and Seated Poses)
Where: PFY Bloomfield
Cost: $35 for each workshop. Pre-register, $40 day of, sign up here

#Handstand: The Path to Hand Balancing
with Jeffrey Posner

When: Sunday, 1-11 from 1:30 to 3:30 pm in Glen Rock
Sunday, 1-18 from 1 to 3 pm (sign up for one or both) in Bloomfield
Where: Two studios! Glen Rock this weekend and Bloomfield next
Cost: $35 pre-register and $40 day of, sign up here.

Kristen Kemp

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Powerflow Yoga

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