
Powerflow Yoga - Yoga Classes

Way To Go 200-Hour Powerflow Yoga Teacher Trainees!

Way to go, 200-hour Powerflow Yoga Teacher Trainees! The PFY Spring Class of 2015 graduated yesterday, and we are so proud of them. They completed all of their requirements–and the bar was high–in just five weekends. One TT admits that she slept for 11 straight hours last night!

It’s such a huge accomplishment. Really. “We are truly grateful for the TTs’ hard work and dedication,” say Julie and Heather, the leaders.

“I learned alignment and cues and sequencing and assisting,” one of the TTs, Lynn Kirincich, says. “But the things I learned about myself were the greatest lessons. I worked on myself as much as I worked on yoga.”

Her classmate Megan Freer loved every minute of the training, even the times that were tough. “I have learned such an enormous amount of information throughout this 5-week journey. I have learned where yoga originated, how different postures effects different parts of the body, how every individual that practices yoga is going to be different from the one another, that breathing is key and that meaningful relationships outside of social media still have a chance! It has been a long journey, and one of the best journeys I have ever taken. I would recommend this TT to anyone looking to understand what yoga truly is.”

Thinking about TT? Then come to Julie and Heather’s 1-Day Yoga and Anatomy Immersion on May 30 from 10 am to 3 pm in Bloomfield, and see what it’s all about. We will run another full TT soon, check our Powerflow Teacher Training site for updates. And if you have any questions in the meantime, don’t hesitate to ask!

We believe we will see great things from the PFY Spring Class of 2015 TTs. We send them a big, loving, hot and sweaty congrats!


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Powerflow Yoga

Powerflow Yoga

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