Powerflow Yoga: Our Story
Powerflow Yoga provides a safe space for you to heal and grow physically, mentally and spiritually. Our yoga teachers are inspiring and intelligent, and work hard to make people feel better inside and out.
That’s exactly what hot power yoga has done for PFY owner Jerry Lepore, whose story below sums up the core values of Powerflow Yoga.

Why is Jerry so passionate about Powerflow Yoga?
In 2008, Jerry LePore founded Powerflow Yoga, opening the first hot yoga studio in Chatham, New Jersey.
After completing his first round of treatment for Hairy Cell Leukemia, he started practicing hot power vinyasa yoga. He credits his consistent yoga practice for his vibrant health today. “It’s important to stay strong and resilient,” says Jerry. “Yoga has played a big part in that for me.”
Jerry communicates his vision for Powerflow Yoga to his Leadership Team, a group of like-minded people who share his vision of building an authentic yoga community. He has more than 19 years of management and CEO experience, having previously worked in the medical education sector of the pharmaceutical industry. But his passion is Powerflow Yoga and the inspiring spaces he’s created. For more than a decade, Jerry’s team has empowered more than 10,000 PFY students throughout his seven yoga studios in New Jersey.
The Powerflow Yoga Mission Statement
Powerflow Yoga is on a mission to infuse our hot yoga communities with authenticity, mindfulness and intention. We provide a safe space for practitioners of all ages, abilities, races and creeds. Our number-one goal is to make all yoga students feel welcome and to encourage them along their personal journey to wholeness.