
Powerflow Yoga - Yoga Classes

Shayna Hiller Talks About Her Cool Workshop Sunday

Calling all health conscious and super cool yogis (we are talking to you): We have an extra special workshop for you this Sunday, November 2. Shayna Hiller, a popular fitness and yoga personality from California will be in Glen Rock from 1 to 3 pm.

She’s an amazing yoga instructor, so expect some serious flow (sign up soon!). She’s also a sensitive and knowledgeable lifestyle expert who just wrote a book. Shayna has done a lot of work to set herself straight and shed her eating disorder. She struggled with orthorexia for years. That’s an obsession with the pureness and quality of food. It can get out of hand and ruin your life. So Shayna is commited to helping her students find balance and happiness, on and off the mat, especially in the areas of eating, exercising and career.

We had the chance to ask her a few questions about what she’s bringing to us in Glen Rock. Here’s what Shayna Hiller told me:

Kristen Kemp: What is your favorite yoga pose?
Shayna Hiller: Downward dog. This answer changes every time I practice though!

KK: What will you teach at PFY Glen Rock this Sunday?
SH: This Sunday, I will teach a one-hour vinyasa class followed by some unique and effective techniques to bring yoga and meditation off the yoga mat and into all areas of life–eating, relationships and career. I will infuse this info session with my own personal journey, guided meditation and surprise giveaways!

KK: Congrats on your new book–what is it about?
SH: My new book, Don’t Judge Me By My Cover, is a guide for people who want to live a more inspired, happy, healthy and balanced life. The book teaches people how to access their own power to make the changes they desire in their lives.

Be there, you super cool yogis. Workshops also count for your 20 in 30 Challenge! We think you’ll get a lot out of Shayna’s teachings:

Yoga and Wellness Workshop with Shayna Hiller
Sunday, November 2, from 1 to 3 pm, $35 before/$40 day of
Powerflow Glen Rock
530 S. Broad St.
Glen Rock, NJ 07452

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Powerflow Yoga

Powerflow Yoga

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