
Powerflow Yoga - Yoga Classes

Retired NFL Lineman’s Challenge: A Drastically Different Diet

10 months ago, former Jets player and PFY Morristown student, Brandon Moore stood 6’3″ and 305 lbs.  When he retired in August, he promised to lose weight for his wife and two children.  Now, Brandon weights 268 lbs and his goal is 250lbs. Check out how Brandon incorporates hot yoga into his post football workout routine.  “On a recent weekday, Mr. Moore woke up and ate two cups of Multi Grain Cheerios with low-fat, lactose-free milk and a handful of grapes. For a midmorning snack, he had an apple before heading to a yoga studio near his home here. He was taking a hot yoga class. He says he likes the heat, which makes it easier for him to stretch and warm up. Within five minutes he was sweating through his black, sweat-wicking shirt. He nimbly completed all the moves. Along with an hour of yoga every week, he walks on a treadmill for an hour and takes an hour-long kickboxing class, once a week each. It’s a light workout schedule that doesn’t approach that of any NFL player or hard-core gym rat. Mr. Moore doesn’t lift weights anymore, saying, “I don’t feel like it. I’ve been lifting weights since I was frickin’ 13 years old. I’m tired.” Read the entire article about Brandon’s journey here.

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