
Powerflow Yoga - Yoga Classes

Power Story: Glen Rock’s David Reif Takes 365 Classes in 365 Days

We are introducing a new feature called Power Story. We have so many awesome students, and we have to start telling the world about them. Powerflow yogis inspire us all. We would be selfish to keep their stories to ourselves.

The first one is about Glen Rock yogi David Reif. He completed the 20 in 30 last April, and he never stopped. Even though we’re about to head into a new 20 Classes in 30 Days (sign up now!), David is still going strong since the last one. His goal was to take 365 yoga classes in 365 days. He will finish on Monday, a few days early!

Tell us about what you’re doing?
: By this Monday, March 16, I will complete my 365 in 365 challenge.

Awesome. But why?
 Last April, I finished my 20 classes in 20 days, so I said to myself, ‘Why not do 30 in 30?’ I did that. The more yoga I did, the better I felt physically and mentally. So then, I said to myself, ‘Let’s set a goal of 90 in 90, and if I can reach that, I will go for six months, and if I can reach that, I’ll go for 365l The more yoga I did, the easier the challenge became!

How did your body feel at the beginning?
 Before last April, I had been doing yoga for about two years, but inconsistently. Since I was 10 years old, I was diagnosed as being very tight, and I was told I would have problems with my back, which I did. (Herniated discs, tight hamstrings, etc.) I was working out in the gym and building muscle but becoming tight and restricted. I couldn’t move from all the aches and pains. After so much yoga, I am in a completely different place. Poses I never thought I could get into are available to me now like side crow, bound side angle and more). I am pain free for the first time in over 10 years! And I have more flexibility.

How has this helped you mentally?
David: I joined yoga for the physical aspect, but what keeps me coming back now is the mental aspect—the calming and relaxing of the mind and being in the moment. I used to stress about work and home issues to the point of physical tension in my body. Today, I am calm and have accepted that I can only work on myself and deal with the rest as it comes.

How do you manage to fit in so much yoga with your busy work and family life?
: I come during my lunch hour almost every day, and then I try to come at night with my wife while our daughter is in dance class. I travel a lot for work, and I used to sit in the hotel room watching movies at night. Now, in every city I visit, I find a yoga studio!

Tell us about yourself.
I am 48 and married to Iris with two kids, ages 18 and 11. We live in Fair Lawn. I grew up in Glen Rock. I own the family business (I am the fourth generation—we have been in business for 128 years!).  We manufacture and sell school uniforms to the parochial and private schools throughout the country.

We are so proud and happy for you, David. Here’s to another great 365 days.

Kristen Kemp

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Powerflow Yoga

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