3 Reasons to Practice Yoga Outdoors
If you were one of the 550 people at Yo-Tiki last week on Church Street in Montclair, you already know how much fun it is to practice yoga outdoors this Summer. But we want to give you 3 more reasons! We hope this will get you excited about all of PFY’s awesome outdoor classes. Maybe […]

What’s so great about Yo-Tiki? Come find out this Thursday!
What’s so great about Yo-Tiki? Wait, you don’t know what Yo-Tiki is? Yo-Tiki is an outdoor yoga class and party that takes place this Thursday 6/15 from 7 to 8 pm on Church Street in Montclair. The street will be closed, so 300 yogis will lay down their mats and practice together. It’s an amazing experience. […]

Our Summer TT Special Scholarship Student
We know it’s a huge commitment to take a 200 hour yoga teacher training. After all, it involves spending 200 hours of your life immersed in study and practice. We have offered Powerflow School of Yoga 200 Hour Find Your Power Teacher Training on the weekends in the Spring and Fall for years. But we kept […]

Let’s Do Yoga to Fight Breast Cancer at Jersey Gardens This Saturday
Do More Than Yoga with us on Saturday, 5/6 at The Mills at Jersey Gardens. For a $10 donation, you get a 45-minute yoga class with Kimie Mittman, Loretta Turner or Marina Sajina, a pink yoga mat and a 25 percent coupon good for 1 item at retailers like Kate Spade and Michael Kors. Expect fun […]

Bringing a Friend to Yoga
It’s no secret that yoga offers a myriad of benefits. These include strength, flexibility, lower stress levels and an increased sense of well-being. I love yoga and practice quite often, but I often wonder how I can invite my friends and family to explore the yoga world. Bringing a friend to yoga–especially when they’ve never been–is an […]

Snowga: 7 Poses to Practice at Home Today
As a kid, there are few things better than a snow day. But then you grow up, start practicing yoga and realize that snow can be a lot of work. We hope you didn’t have to shovel too much. Here’s a mini slow and cozy snowga flow since we had to cancel classes. It will help […]

10 Signs You are Ready for Yoga Teacher Training
If you display any of the signs and symptoms below, we highly recommend you register for teacher training immediately. Our PFY School of Yoga 200 Hour Find Your Power TT starts Saturday, 10/7. Keep reading, and apply today. If you can relate, we want you. 10 Signs You’re Ready for Yoga Teacher Training 1. You plan […]

5 Tips Help You Get into Anjanayasana Pose
February Pose of the Month: Anjanayasana Crescent Moon Pose, or anjanayasana, is a gentle but juicy stretch that lengthens your hip flexors and quadriceps. You can even add a bit of a backbend if you’d like to stretch the muscles in your chest. Powerflow picked this pose for February because it activates Muladhara, the root chakra. Located […]

Our Spring TT Scholarship Winner & Early Bird Pricing
We’re busy making our Spring 200 Hour Find Your Power Teacher Training the best one yet. Part of what we do—in addition to supporting our trainees to become amazing teachers—is choose one special student for our scholarship. We received more than 20 applications, so it was incredibly hard to pick just one. But we finally […]

#IAMPFY: Yogi Dan Matthews Lights Up Chatham
We want to dive deeper into the lives and minds of the people who practice at Powerflow Yoga. These students are our heart and soul, and we are grateful and inspired by them everyday. We want to kick off our year-long #IAMPFY series by telling you more about Dan Matthews, a student whose presence lights up […]

Apply for the Spring 200 Hour Teacher Training Scholarship
We think you should apply for the 200 Hour: Find Your Power Teacher Training that starts this Spring. We are proud to give this award, and we are on the lookout for the perfect recipient. This year, we will cover half of your TT tuition, saving you $1950. You will only be responsible for the other […]

Patrick Beach is Back at PFY All Weekend
By popular demand, Patrick Beach is back at PFY all weekend. Instagram star Patrick Beach is known for his funky flows, incredible inversions, hip music and solid teachings. We’re happy to host him this Friday through Sunday in Westwood, Morristown, Wayne and Hoboken. If you’ve been to The Beach before, you know how much fun it is, and […]

PFY Founder Jerry LePore: #IAMPFY
You may have seen the #IAMPFY posters around our 10 studios this month and on our website. We created #IAMPFY because our biggest hope is that students will be proud of who they are and of their accomplishments. So much of who we are and who we can become shows up on our yoga mats […]

5 Ways PFY Teachers Stay Calm In Stressful Situations
Fall can be really busy. We get that. From the drop off line at school to the deadlines at work, this season brings it on. So we asked some of our most popular PFY teachers how they stay calm and centered in stressful situations. You know you can step into the studio to move your body and […]

Yummy: Lemony Kale Salad
If you’re headed to a BBQ and you want to impress everyone, or if you just want to make a big batch of healthy kale yumminess, this is the summer salad for you. Luckily, kale is available year-round so you can make this anytime. But it is very delicious, plentiful and light for right now. […]

TT for free? Yes, you could win the Fall scholarship
TT for free? Yes, you could win the Fall scholarship. We’re happy to offer a scholarship for our Find Your Power: 200 Hour TT starting this Fall. This program is the experience of a lifetime, and we are looking for the perfect recipient for this award. Apply now through Monday, July 25, 2016. Just download the application and […]

Carrie Parker, Coffee Ice Cream and PFY’s 200 Hour TT
Summer may be in full swing, but it’s never too early to plan for the fall. The PFY School of Yoga is proud to present a new, improved and awesome 200 Hour: Find Your Power teacher training. We’re carefully studying what today’s TTs need to be successful, and we’re planning out a truly great and transformative experience. This amazing […]

PFY Plank Challenge: Win Free Yoga, lululemon and more!
How long can you hold plank pose? Find out at Saturday’s PFY Plank Challenge at lululemon in Montclair at 1 pm. We will give away great prizes for 1st, 2nd and 3rd places. When we hosted the Plank Challenge at the Yoga Journal Conference last April, one intrepid yogi held this tough pose for 34 minutes. Come […]

Mother’s Day IG Challenge: PFY Will Donate $1 For Every Post
Grab your kids, your mom and your phone. You need them for a quick photo tomorrow, May 6 through May 8. For every photo of you and your kids or you and your mom that you post on Instagram, Powerflow Yoga will give $1 to yogisheart, a very sweet non-profit yoga organization. It’s that easy […]

Weekend Workshops: Assist with Erin Barry or Fly with Jeffrey Posner
Two very different–and very fun–workshops are happening at PFY Bloomfield and Glen Rock this Sunday, January 11. You can learn to assist with Erin Barry or Fly with Jeffrey Posner. Your choice! First, Erin Barry begins her 4-part series called The Art of Assisting in Bloomfield. This one is for yoga teachers, personal trainers and […]