20 Yoga Classes in 30 Days: Because You Can
On Nov. 1, we dare you to take 20 yoga classes (or more!) in 30 days. We believe fitness is the cornerstone of lasting health. When you feel strong, you feel good.

The rules are simple. Sign up at your home studio using the 20 in 30 board. Write your name and shirt size on the line provided. As you take classes, place a sticker next to your name. Please keep track at only one studio.
Start planning your November calendar. You will do a lot of yoga, and maybe some Hot Powerflow Fusion, too! Each PFY workshop counts for two classes, so be sure to check our upcoming offerings.
Beware: a hot yoga challenge is not for the faint of heart
Devoting yourself to anything for one whole month is no easy feat. A hot yoga challenge requires sacrifice. You may need to cancel dinner plans, wake up early to practice yoga before work or even take class twice in one day to make up for lost time. What do you need to give up to cross the finish line?
It’s important to prioritize your health during 20 in 30. By your 15th class, your body may feel tired, sore or even run-down. Consider sprinkling a couple yin or restorative classes into your schedule to help your muscles recover.
You will sweat a lot, so be sure to drink plenty of water and replenish lost electrolytes. Be sure to check out some healthy snacks and recipes from your favorite yoga teachers.
So why should you do it? Because you can.
You’re lively, strong and capable beyond measure. But you don’t know what life is going to throw at you or the challenges you will face. A healthy body is a privilege—don’t take it for granted today.
Do this challenge because you can. At the end, you’ll emerge not only with a stronger body but also with a grateful perspective.
Don’t sweat the small stuff.
Yes, we want you to finish 20 in 30. But we don’t want you to agonize over it.
Above all else, remember this: life is meant to be savored. We encourage you to complete the challenge but not at the expense of your sanity. This challenge is about scaling personal mountains. Whatever amount of classes you enjoy, whether that’s two or 27, will count for making you feel better.
To start planning your classes, check out our class schedule. See you on the mat!