10 Signs You’re a Yoga Addict
If you’re reading this right now, chances are good that you might be a yoga addict. Yoga has changed your life for the better. You’ve seen your body get longer and stronger, and you’ve felt a clearness in your mind. That’s why you keep going back! But are you really a yoga addict? If you are, we’ve got a great sale for you today through Sunday, 9/11. For 3 days only, you can take 10 percent off all class packs for our #YogaAddict Sale. It’s a great deal, so stock up for the year. Get the discount that works best for you in the studio or online using the promo code yogaaddict10.
We know how it is for people who absolutely love yoga. That’s why we are offering this once-a-year sale. We also created a list, 10 Signs You’re a Yoga Addict. We want you to know that if you see yourself in any of these points, you are not alone!

1. You have more yoga clothes than actual clothes.
One of our teachers–we won’t out her here–admitted that she owns 63 pairs of yoga pants. She says they take up her whole bedroom. If yoga clothes have overtaken your drawers, you know you might be hooked.
2. You do poses to entertain your friends at parties.
It’s fun to show other people your moves, and they seem to get a kick out of your crow (or handstand). So why not pull out the yoga party tricks?
3. You keep a stocked yoga bag and mat in your car at all times.
You might forget your lunch some days. But you won’t forget your yoga gear and mat! If you wind up having extra time in your day, you know exactly where you’re heading.
4. People can’t tell if you just showered or if you’re really that sweaty.
If you’re dripping wet after hot power yoga, it could be either. Sometimes you have time to shower, and your hair is wet. Sometimes you don’t have time to shower, and your hair is wet. You do your best.
5. You know the studio schedule by heart.
Of course, your favorite days and times are already in your calendar. But you could also recommend certain teachers and class times to new students and your friends without referring to schedule.
6. Those 20 classes in 30 days challenges are easy for you.
You already do that many classes anyway!
7. You have a special spot.
You know yoga is about non-attachment. But you feel more comfortable in your spot. You choose it for specific reasons (the view, the wall, the light, the temperature, etc.). Your yoga studio friends totally respect your space.
8. You know what doing a double means.
Doing a double is taking two classes in one day. When you have time, you love it!
9. Your Instagram account is filled with yoga poses.
What else would you possibly post on your feed? You like to do Insta challenges, but you also just love to take yoga photos.
10. You drink more coconut water than beer.
When you open your refrigerator, you’re more likely to see healthy drinks than alcoholic ones these days. You know much better you feel when you stay hydrated. Anyway, hot yoga is harder with a hangover.
Do you see yourself in some–or all–of these points? Oh well. It’s all good. It’s healthy to be a yoga addict. And if you buy your classes during our 3-day #YogaAddict Sale, you can even save money!