10 Signs You are Ready for Yoga Teacher Training

If you display any of the signs and symptoms below, we highly recommend you register for teacher training immediately. Our PFY School of Yoga 200 Hour Find Your Power TT starts Saturday, 10/7. Keep reading, and apply today. If you can relate, we want you.
10 Signs You’re Ready for Yoga Teacher Training
1. You plan your yoga classes first, and you make the rest of your schedule second.
2. You’ve memorized the studio schedule, and you can recommend specific classes to different students.
3. You need to do laundry almost every day. You don’t mean to let those wet yoga clothes sit for long.
4. The Sutras and The Gita sound super cool to you. You’re thirsty to learn everything you can about yoga.
5. You dream of perfecting your poses. Now, you know your practice is perfect the way it is. But you still dream of posting that handstand selfie one day. (We’re only human.)
6. You love your yoga people. You laugh and joke and do yoga with your peeps at the studio.
7. The thought of standing in front of a room teaching a class terrifies you. Congrats! It terrifies 99 percent of beginning teachers.
8. You need a change. A big one. A positive one.
9. You want to find your voice, and use it for good. TT will help you discover your hidden talents. Then you’ll learn how to stand up for yourself and inspire a room full of students.
10. Yoga kicked you in the stretchy pants. If yoga has transformed your life, just imagine what TT will do for you.
That’s me! What should I do?
Sign up now. We are proud to offer you the best TT program in New Jersey. Our leaders, Stacey Bell, Carrie Parker and Michael Simpson will share our thoughtful and powerful program with you. You will work. You will grow. And you will transform. Take our excellent PFY TT.